The Tatarstan shooters won two medals at a stage of the Cup Russian Federation

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Following the results of a trench Catherina Rabaya took "gold", at Glukhov Sergei – "bronze". (Kazan, on July 24, information agency "Tatar-inform", Shipilov Arthur). Athletes from Republic of Tatarstan won two medals of the third stage of the Cup Russian Federation on bench firing. Following the results of a trench Catherina Rabaya took "gold", at Glukhov Sergei — "bronze". "Glukhov Sergei showed the best start for many years, to strike 119 targets from 125 possible in qualification — good result. In the final always the nerves, after all each shot becomes decisive" — told in Federation of bullet and bench firing of RT. Catherina Rabaya in the final was stronger...
Catherina Rabaya
Last position: The professional athlete on firing
Glukhov Sergei
Shipilov Arthur
Tugolukova Julia