Ђ – a sow-thistle ї finishes works on unloading of the fulfilled ¤dernogo fuel from floating technical base ЂЋ epse ї

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_k a short time to uslovi¤kh neblagopri¤tnoy a radiation situation experts Ђ – osatomflota ї carried out by unikalna¤ work on unloading of sub-standard ¤yushchikh which have fulfilled a heatapportionment of assemblies, - director general '" ѕ Ђј tomflot ї _ustafa an ashka told. The c of ƒozovye load of the personnel did not exceed reference levels and average annual znacheni¤. _ami the important step in increase of ecological safety the _rktichesky region ї is taken...
Oleg Kryukov
Last position: The director of a state policy in the field of the radioactive waste, the fulfilled nuclear fuel and a conclusion from operation yaderno and radiation dangerous objects (State corporation "Rosatom")
Moustafa Mamedinovich Kashka
Main activity:Official
Zhelnin Alexander