The Vladimir United Russia party members collected 20 thousand signatures for return gorzdrava

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The Vladimir public men, and also operating and, probably, future deputies of the City Council from "United Russia" Party showed 20 thousand signatures collected for return of health system on municipal level. Meeting with participation of mass media took place on July 21 in the hall of City palace of culture. Let's remind that municipalities delegated powers on the organization of rendering the medical care to regional level in 2011. Then in oblzdrave claimed — the local government proved the insolvency in questions of the organization of rendering medical aid. As an example gave the slow...
Irina Mashkovtseva
Main activity:Field expert
Nicholas Vinogradov
Main activity:Politician
Nicholas Tolbukhin
Last position: Chairman of the board of deputies (Council of people's deputies of the Vladimir city)
Kiselev Vladimir
Shokhin Andrey