Рейтинг полезности депутатов Воронежской областной Думы

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Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Notebook Voronezh» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Aleksandrovich Peshikov
Last position: Director of JSC Agro-Sputnik
Sergei Nikolaevich Pinkevich
Last position: Chief of branch Voronezh LPUMG (LLC "Gazprom transgaz Moskva")
Yvan Taratin
Last position: Deputy (Regional Duma of Voronezh )
Arthur Barinov
Last position: Executive director (LLC "Voronezhstroydetal-1")
Moshurov Yvan
LLC "Korm Center"
Regionalny parlament
Government Agency
Government Agency
Oblastnaya duma
Government Agency