"Prodekspo Organik". About demand and trends

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According to the first in Russian Federation the look bio organik-editions, shops to United States of America, United Kingdom, and France report India organic products in the conditions of a pandemic. Real threat pushes buyers of the whole world to transition to more healthy products, the edition comes to a conclusion. Whether demand on an organik to Russian Federation and as affairs at leading Russian producers of organic products food – participants of exhibitions "Prodekspo" are increased, the curator of Prodekspo Organik salon Maslyukova Catherina understood. The founder of companies "Black bread" Pavel Abramov in the interview "BUSINESS...
Павел Сергеевич Абрамов
Last position: CEO (LLC "Cherny khleb")
Maslyukova Catherina
Pochevalin Edouard
Pronchishchev V. V.
Chekhov A. P.