Ryan Gibbons won the first stage of the virtual race "Tour de France"

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Yu the zhnoafrikansky bicycle racer Ryan Gibbons from the NTT Pro Cycling team won the first stage of the virtual race "Tour de France", transfers Prosports.kz. The Canadian Pierre Andre Kot became the second (International union of cyclists ProTeam Rally Cycling), the third there arrived to the finish the Australian Shults Nikolas from the Mitchelton-Scott team. Let's note, the racer of "Astana" Isagirre's Gorka Isagirre entered in top-25. Let's remind, in race there will be no individual general classification. The winner will be defined on the basis of team competition where racers will gather points on finishes, mountain awards and in sprints. Virtual "Tour de France". First stage: 1 . Ryan Gibbons...
Ryan Gibbons
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Pierre Andre
Last position: Party member (Union for people's movement)
Gorka Izagirre Inchausti
Last position: The professional athlete on highway cycle races
Shults Nikolas