To Kazan detained three members of a staff of the Integrated democrats

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To Kazan in a staff of the Integrated democrats passed search with participation of police, the Center for counteraction to extremism and OMON. The activist Vera Kerpel...
Helena Izotova
Last position: Member of Social movement "Against Construction of WIP and for Implementation of System of Separate Collecting Garbage"
Vera Kerpel
Last position: The organizer and the activist of the movement "Against WIP. For separate collecting and processing of waste"
Ruslan Zinatullin
Last position: Chairman (Regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, regional branch office of the Russian Federation joint democratic party of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Integrated democrats" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, PO RODP "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party RO "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, Party "Yabloko" in of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Yabloko" Green Russia" in of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Garaev Emile
Munasipov Marat
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