The ex-director of operational department Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) withdrew the candidacy on NRD post of the head

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Moscow. June 25. information agency "Interfaks" - the Former director of operational department Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) Alekhina Marina withdrew the candidacy on a post of the head NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION JOINT-STOCK COMPANY NRD, newspaper "Kommersant" writes with reference to sources. On Thursday, June 25, the supervisory board of NRD had to approve candidate Alekhina Marina for appointment as her chairman of the board of depositary and send the corresponding petition to Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). However, as reported three sources of the edition close to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE which group includes NRD, point on its appointment was removed from the agenda of meeting of the supervisory board...