The International Olympic Day in Republic of Dagestan would be celebrated by 23 champions of the Olympic Games

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Olympic champions — it is pride of each country. 23 Dagestanis, on which account of 29 gold medals became Olympic champions. Triple Olympic champions are the fencer Vladimir Nazlymov and the fighter of freestyle Buvaysa Saytiev, double — the fighter wrestler Batyrov Mavlet. 26 more Dagestanis are owners of silver and bronze medals of the Olympic Games. Public organization "The Olympic council of Republic of Dagestan" which the Honoured Master of Sports heads Russian Federation, the world champion, the fivefold champion Europe the fighter Kuramagomedov Kuramagomed, is registered in...
Buvaisa Khamidovich Saytiev
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Nazlymov
Last position: Fencing coach
Batyrov Mavlet
Kuramagomedov Kuramagomed