Basketball. Branko Mirkovich replaced capital "Tsmok і" on Lithuanian "Pyeno Zhvaygzhdes"

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The defender Branko Mirkovich left "Tsmok_-M_nsk". The player will continue the career in Lithuanian "Pyeno Zhvaygzhdes", the press service of capital club transfers. Branko Mirkovich supported "Tsmoki" for three years from 2014 to 2017. Then passed in "Kalev". In July, 2019 the playing returned to structure of "dragons". In a season 2019/20 in Uniform league of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" Branko Mirkovich played 19 matches, gathering 11,2 points for a match. Sign return. Branko Mirkovich: in Minsk my daughter was born, here I feel as...
Branko Mirkovich
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball