Soccer. Vitaly Leonidovich Zhukovsky — about Kulbakov's refereeing: if basic, judge essentially. But in one party it is impossible!

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The head coach of "Islochi" Vitaly Leonidovich Zhukovsky commented on refereeing in a match with "Torpedo" - the BelAZ (2:2) within the 14th round of the national championship. Emotions read off scale. We regret that did not achieve positive result. Very strongly wanted to win, but it did not turn out. Vasilyuchek's game as estimate? It is difficult to estimate. The guy did not play, probably, year. Battled as could. And in the moment with a penalty blocked blow, but, unfortunately the referee appointed a penalty. It is clear that will tell: "feet ahead, feet behind. Hands not there were, the head not there, language not here". We passed all this. Simply offensively. With...