Soccer. Nicholas Aleksandrovich Ryndyuk: Volkov Zakhar it is necessary to understand and forgive. I underwent disqualification. So to me to go for building?

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The ex-forward combined Belarus Nicholas Aleksandrovich Ryndyuk on air of the Sport shot program on" Belarus 5" commented on participation of the defender of BATE Volkov Zakhar in a fixed match. What to do with Volkov Zakhar? To understand and forgive. How to be with the young player. First, it is the young guy. Secondly, I do not think that it there strongly influenced something. To it came, told. After game handed over. Here especially it is necessary to understand. At us as, the person stumbled, let's it trample. To remember the same Streltsov. At Stalin the person was imprisoned. Left and played. Why I so about Volkov Zakhar speak. Because itself underwent...