Handball. Novikov Sergei: the national team Italy it is possible to be punctured without big risk to assign a part of the obedient supernumerary of group

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The author of "the Fast Center" Novikov Sergei summed up the results of lot of qualification of the European championship-2022. Qualification of ChE-2022. The national team Belarus will play in group with the teams Norway, Latvia and Italy the National team Belarus by definition the rivalry prospect with mighty Norwegians does not please. And especially — in those alternative dates before the World Cup. However, in addition to Scandinavians very dangerous opponents of Belarusians Latvian neighbors look also. Led by the giant Daynis Krishtopans they drank blood at guys Yury Shevtsova rather recently — in "joints" for the right to go on...
Daynis Krishtopans
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (LLC SHOPPING AND RECREATION CENTER "OAZIS")
Novikov Sergei