Mariinsky theater will submit the opera according to the novel Dostoevsky Fedor in an online format

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Mariinsky theater will show online the opera "Player" which is based on a novel of the same name Dostoevsky Fedor. It is reported that the opera can be seen on June 15 at 19 o'clock with help translations in group of theater in social network "VKontakte". Also the opera Prokofyev Sergei will look on the official site at theaters. Leading roles in the opera will play Galuzin Vladimir, Sergei Nikolaevich Aleksashkin, Pavlovskaya Tatyana and others. Earlier Big drama theater Saint Petersburg put "The Cherry Orchard" in Minecraft...
Sergei Nikolaevich Aleksashkin
Last position: Teacher, associate professor of solo singing (Saint Petersburg city gosudarstvennaya conservatory named after N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova)
Dostoevsky Fedor
Prokofyev Sergei
Galuzin Vladimir
Pavlovskaya Tatyana
Mariinsk city theater
Main activity:Culture and sports
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