Basketball. Valdis Valters: Satyrov Alexander in a locker room remembered about Gomel, and that behind crept. More Minsker in USSR national team did not see

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The well-known Latvian playing Valdis Valters in interview to "Pressbol's" correspondent Shchurko Sergei shared memories of the Belarusian basketball players of the Soviet era. The most basic rivals for VEFA in the Union? TSSKA and "Zhalgiris". Estonian "Kalev" to a lesser extent. The Minsk RTI from the same series. We, by the way, often conceded to Belarusians. Won against TSSKA, where almost all USSR national team, next day — RTI. Defeat. Because were not adjusted. Though you had a solid team. It never applied for medals, but also of the highest league too did not drop out. It we rushed as crazy...
Satyrov Alexander
Shchurko Sergei