Due to the incident with participation of the nephew Samvel Limindrovich Aleksanyan are brought criminal case

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Arminfo. Due to the incident with participation of the nephew of the large businessman Samvel Limindrovich Aleksanyan - Aleksanyan Artak are brought criminal case. According to Committee of inquiry, criminal case is brought as regards 1 articles 258 (hooliganism) and parts 1 of article 316 (violence application against the authority) by UK RA. Let's add that on June 8 some mass media distributed the video record according to which a number of citizens, including Aleksanyan Artak, showed resistance to pravvookhranitel, having refused to leave night club which had to be closed according to the Commandant's office decision. As a result above persons...
Samvel Limindrovich Aleksanyan
Last position: Politician (National assembly of the Republic of Armenia)
Aleksanyan Artak