Стали известны доходы глав районов Кировской области

Главы районов опубликовали сведения о своих доходах за прошлый год, имеющейся в собственности недвижимости и транспорте...
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Sergei Yelkin
Last position: Head of administration of the area (Administration of the municipal entity Kirovo-Chepetsk municipal district of the Kirov region)
Aleksey Isupov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Sunsk of the Kirov region)
Denise Ikonnikov
Main activity:Official
Tatyana Fyodorovna Borovikov
Last position: Head of the district (Municipal entity "Administration of the Uni district of the Kirov region")
Alexander Rogozhnikov
Last position: Head (Administration of the Shabalinsky district of the Kirov region)
Mitsubishi COR
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing