Soccer. Yegor Khatkevich is recognized as fans the best player of "Islochi" in May

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The goalkeeper Yegor Khatkevich is recognized as fans the best player of "Islochi" in May. Championship of Belarus-2020: the schedule, statistics, the table, players, trainers, judges, stadiums in the PB-INFO base "Fans of our club chose the best player following the results of the past month. In official group "Islochi" of social network "VKontakte" vote for the best player of May came to the end. In final spring month the goalkeeper Yegor Khatkevich became the best in this nomination. In poll of fans the goalkeeper collected 38,99% of votes. The second place was taken by the defender Godfrey Bitok Stephen (18,24%), the third was divided the forward Momo Yansane and...
Yegor Khatkevich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Charity fund "Fund veteranov futbola named after Edouard Streltsova")
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