The former general directors FC Aktobe <3> of Smakov were going to invite to "Taraz"

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The former director general football club "Aktobe", the former defender of the national team Kazakhstan Smakov Samat can hold soon a post of the director of Taraz club from Province of Jambyl. About it reports Kazfootball. It is planned that Smakov Samat will replace at this position Musatayev's Kanat Musataev who retired upon termination of last season. At present duties of the director of club are fulfilled temporarily by Kazbekov Gabit. According to Kazfootball, one of key factors for appointment Smakov Samat to a position can become that the expert well a sign to present Akim (to the head...
Smakov Samat
Kazbekov Gabit
Saparbaev Berdibek