Mariinsky theater started the online marathon devoted to medics

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In community of Mariinsky theater social network "VKontakte" are reported that this weekend establishment starts the marathon of online translations devoted to medical workers. "Records of the best concerts and the performances reflecting all variety of repertoire, we express gratitude to people who today, battling to a pandemic Koronavirus, million lives" save, - is spoken in the message. The marathon began on May 22 a concert in honor of opening of the First Zaryadye festival. The soloist — Kantorov Alexander. The conductor — Valery Gergiev. On May 23 the concert within Academy of young theater-goers "In the world of the ancient will take place...
Valery Gergiev
Last position: Director, Artistic director (Mariinsk city theater)
Diana Vishneva
Last position: Prima ballerina (Mariinsk city theater)
Sergei Nikolaevich Aleksashkin
Last position: Teacher, associate professor of solo singing (Saint Petersburg city gosudarstvennaya conservatory named after N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova)
Rodion Konstantinovich Shchedrin
Main activity:Scientist
Kantorov Alexander
Mariinsk city theater
Main activity:Culture and sports