В Корпорации развития Северного Кавказа избран новый совет директоров

В акционерном обществе «Корпорация развития Северного Кавказа» избран новый совет директоров...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Ingushetia Internet newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
Roman Alisenov
Last position: Assistant to the plenipotentiary (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District)
Mikhail Babich
Last position: Deputy director (Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation)
Sergei Galkin
Last position: Head (Federal State Statistics Service)
Yvan Bezmenov
Last position: Director (Department territorial planning of the North Caucasian Federal District Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
Leonid Petukhov
Last position: Board member (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRSK")