Депутаты Томска: COVID-19 не помешает ремонту дворов и строительству

Ситуация, связанная с пандемией коронавируса, не повлияет на запланированный на 2020 год в Томске ремонт дворов и строительство, сообщили журналистам депутаты городской...
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Ivan Klyayn
Main activity:Politician
Vladimir Samokish
Main activity:Businessman
Victor Alekseevich Nosov
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee under the budget, economy and property; the member of the committee on town planning, land use and architecture; member of the constant commission on transport; member of the constant commission on road economy and improvement (Thought of the Tomsk city)
Maslyaeva Maria
Panov Sergei