In a year deputies Belgorod region region duma sold three apartments and two houses

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information agency "Bel.Ru" compared property of deputies for 2018 and 2019 and found out, what houses and apartments were bought by people's deputies past year...
Andrey Stefanovich Volosenok
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on agro-industrial complex and the land relations (Belgorod regional Council)
Vadim Mikhaylovich Klet
Last position: Deputy (Belgorod regional Council)
Oleg Nikolaevich Polukhin
Main activity:Official
Konstantin Samchenko
Last position: Technical director of the branch of JSC EFKO Management Company
Alexander Turyansky
Last position: The member of the committee of region duma by the legislation and local government (Belgorod regional Council)