Kim Jong-un for the first time for long time appeared on public

@Biznes Online
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The chairman of the State Council North Korea Kim Jong-un for the first time in 20 days appeared on public, having visited the opening ceremony of Sunchkhonsky plant of fertilizers the day before on Saturday. About it writes information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas (Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas). "Dear boss the companion Kim Jong-un personally cut the tape symbolizing completion of constructions, having participated in a ceremony" — reported Tsentralnoye telegrafnoye agency Koreas. According to agencies, the ceremony with participation of the leader North Korea took place on May 1 and was dated for the international holiday of workers. "Under sounds of welcome march the companion Kim Jong-un...
Kim Jong-un
Last position: Chairman (State Council North Korea)
Kim Chzhe Ryon
Last position: Member of meeting (Supreme People's Assembly of DPRK)
Kim Yo Chzhon
Last position: First deputy director of Department of promotion and propaganda of the Central committee (Labor party North Korea)