The ex-coach of KPL club right after leaving could replace the Kazakhstan trainer in the European team

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The Belarusian trainer Oleg Dulub admitted interview to TV channel "Belarus 5" that in the winter it had an offer from Lithuanian "Suduva", reports — At me were winter of the offer — "Zhalgiris", "Suduva". But they invited without assistants. Now I without them already precisely will not go anywhere. Anything intermediate it will not be exact. There has to be my trainer's staff, two assistants and the trainer of goalkeepers — told Oleg Dulub. Let's remind, in December "Suduva" made the decision to leave the Kazakhstan trainer Vladimir Nikolaevich Cheburin who led three years in a row team to a champion's title. After refusal of Oleg Dulub to borrow...
Khaymo Pfayfenberger
Last position: Sports coordinator (FC "Gredig")
Oleg Dulub
Main activity:Official