"To fight for the sake of money — not for me": Denise Aleksandrovich Lebedev about completion of career, love Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy to Russians and conversation with Vladimir Putin

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The ex-world champion in boxing in the first heavy weight Denise Aleksandrovich Lebedev is sure that in the future will not return on a ring as it does not intend to act for the sake of money. The athlete declared it in interview of TV channel "RT". According to the athlete, the only thing for what he regrets — too late transition from fans in professionals. The former owner of titles according to versions of World boxing association and IBF told how helps to fight against a rise in prices for medical masks in Chekhov why Philip Andre Rurk-mladshy with special warmth treats Russians, and also about a call from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin after fight with Guillermo Jones...