The authorities Sri Lanka will reduce a curfew in the country

@Radio Sputnik
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Moscow, 20 April / Radio Sputnik. In Sri Lanka the curfew over all country will be reduced, the exception will be made by some areas, reports embassy Russian Federation in Sri Lanka and in Maldives ". From April 20 to April 24 the curfew in Sri Lanka will be entered in the territory of all island from 20:00 till 05:00, except distriktov Kolombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, Puttalama, and also areas Varakapol, Alavatugoda, Akurana and Akkaraipatta in distriktakh Kandi, Kegalle and Ampara", - is spoken in the embassy message in Social network Facebook. In those areas where the curfew will be removed, under a ban remains...