Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation approved transfer of an expiration date of World War II

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Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation approved postponement of Day of the end of World War II for September 3. Changes are entered in the list of days of military glory and memorials. The law was adopted earlier by State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Against the law two senators voted, one refrained. Senator from Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Arsene Suleymanovich Fadzaev explained the position to that a day of mourning on victims Beslan is on September 3. Earlier about inadmissibility of transfer of Day of the end of World War II with 2 for September 3 it was spoken in the appeal of Council at President of the Russian Federation on human rights (SPCh). On September 3, 2004 at school No. 1 in Beslan at act of terrorism were lost 333...
Arsene Suleymanovich Fadzaev
Last position: Member of the committee (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
Vladimir Shamanov
Main activity:Politician
Georgy Aleksandrovich Karlov
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Mikhail Kozlov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council on defense and safety)
Grigory Borisovich Karasin
Last position: Chairman (Committee Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International affairs)