The richest official to Leningrad Region became the head of committee of a state order

@Forpost Severo-Zapad
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Government of the Leningrad region published official data on the income of the civil servants. On Friday, April 17, it became known that the richest official of Leningrad Region became the chairman of committee of the state order Tolstykh Denise. In 2019 he earned 13,8 million rubles. Thus the income of his spouse made 9,6 million rubles. Most less among heads of departments Sedov Denise received main on roads. Its earnings reached 1,9 million rubles. Among vice governors and vice-chairmen of Government of the Leningrad region the head of committee economic appeared the richest...
Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Oleg Mikhaylovich Malashchenko
Last position: Chairman (Committee on Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex of the Leningrad region)
Denise Tolstykh
Last position: Chairman (Committee on Government Orders of the Leningrad region)
Sedov Denise
Yalov Dimitri