What to read on self-isolation? Top-7 "thick" books

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If homework is redone, all videoconferences, and a tape skrolling on social networks are carried out by order tired, that, probably, it is a high time to while away leisure with long books. Top-7 modern "thick" novels which should be read. The list offers Belarusian portal "TUT.BY". "Small life". Chania Yanagikhara "Small life". Chania Yanagikhara. Photo: libs.ru History of new "musketeers" (many critics quite so christened the book), is developed in modern New York. Four young guys equip the life, are engaged in career, "are on friendly terms to death", fall in love (sometimes each other) and...
Stephen King
Last position: Writer, screenwriter, director
Nicole Marie Kidman
Last position: Actress, singer, producer
Zhaume Kabre
Last position: Writer
Simmons Dan
Polson Sarah