Known! Rich! Ours! Deputies of municipal duma published the income

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The first about the income for 2019 deputies Derevnya Gorodskoe Duma which considerably gave in earnings in comparison with last year reported. Welfare of people's deputies fluctuates in the range from 48,8 million rubles at Ramil Abitov to modest 17 thousand at Valery Bezrukov. Someone grew poor by 12 times, someone was compelled to sell cars and apartments. We look who entered a top of the wealthiest deputies of Gorodskoy parlament and who fell by a bottom...
Valery Bezrukov
Last position: Deputy, head of committee on municipal property, land use, town planning, investments and business
Oksana Mullina
Last position: Lawyer of the Ulyanovsk regional Bar
Tamara Petrash
Last position: Manager of municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 258
Ilya Nozhechkin
Last position: Chairman (Ulyanovsk city City Council)
Alfiya Sadertdinova
Last position: Deputy of the Ulyanovsk City Council of the fifth convocation