На оперативное заседание областной Думы, посвященное коронавирусу, не пришли 15 депутатов

Свои голоса другим депутатам передали 11 депутатов...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Vid Sboku Internet newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
Pyotr Konstantinovich Alabin
Last position: Deputy (Regional Duma of Ryazan)
Alexander Pavlovich Shevyryov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Regional Duma of Ryazan)
Vitaly Kryuchkov
Last position: The deputy, the chairman of Committee on the property and land relations, the member of the committee on economic problems (Regional Duma of Ryazan)
Galina Gnuskina
Last position: Deputy of the Ryazan region duma of the VI convocation
Nadezhda Shchukina
Last position: Director, MT "the Sasovsky bread-baking complex"
Oblastnaya duma
Government Agency
Government Agency