Poltoranin Aleksey transfused blood in the Olympic Games-2018 opening day

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On April 9 the report which was received by Estonian newspaper "Eesti Paevaleht" from the International FEDERATSIYA LYZHNOGO SPORTA (International Ski Federation) testifies To it. It contains exact information when persons involved in doping scandal in the World Cup in Zeefelda began to be engaged in a blood dope, reports Prosports.kz with reference to Rus. Novostnoy portal Delfi. Three Estonian skiers - Andreas Weerpalu, Carol Tammyarv and voluntary admitted Algo Kyarp - the first time made the forbidden blood transfusion in one day. It happened on February 22, 2017. From this date their results at competitions are cancelled. In the report Poltoranin Aleksey is mentioned...
Poltoranin Aleksey