Administration of the municipal entity Salekhard city controls observance of additional sanitary standards in city shops

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The interdepartmental commission of Administration of the municipal entity Salekhard city controls behind execution of instructions Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare on prevention of distribution of Koronavirus in city outlets. Businessmen are obliged to minimize turns, to warn about need to observe a distance not less than one meter from each other, to carry out regular disinfection and airing of the trade room, to provide employees with masks and gloves, to take temperature of workers. As during self-isolation shops remain the main objects of a mass congestion of people, since April 7 experts...
Ruslan Shamilevich Yusupov
Last position: Head of department of economy (Administration of the municipal entity Salekhard city)
Eugenie Alekseevich Losev
Last position: Head of department of the municipal order and trade (Administration of the municipal entity Salekhard city)