In seven states in Venezuela entered quarantine because of Koronavirus

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In seven states in Venezuela entered quarantine because of Koronavirus Province of Buenos Aires, 16 Mar - information agency "RIA Novosti". The authorities Venezuela enter quarantine in seven states, including Caracas, because of Koronavirus, the president of the country Nicolas Maduro reported, addressing to the nation. "Since 5.00 mornings (12.00 Moscow time) quarantine in states of La Department of Guaira, Miranda, State of Cojedes, Sulia, Cupid, State of Tachira is entered on March 16 and Caracas", - was told by him. Quarantine assumes that citizens will have to be at home, occupations at schools will be stopped and universities, labor activity, except for spheres temporarily stops...
Nicolas Maduro
Last position: President of the Republic Venezuela (President of Bolivarian of the Republic of Venezuela)
Znamensky Dimitri