The governor of Leningrad Region opened shareholders the regional operator on waste

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The governor Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko called the main shareholders the regional garbage operator JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY PO OBRASHCHENIYU S OTKHODAMI V LENINGRADSKOY OBLASTI" (JSC UK OOLO). he listed owners of companies, answering questions of subscribers in the Instagram. By words Alexander Drozdenko, shareholders JSC UK OOLO are regional COMMITTEE PO ADMINISTRATION OFFICE GOSUDARSTVENNYM IMUSHCHESTVOM (KUGI) and structures of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG". Earlier communication with the credit organization actually was not officially confirmed. As reported magazine "Delovoy Peterburg", JSC UK OOLO was created by the government...
Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Wladyslaw Guz
Last position: Vice-chairman of the supervisory board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Alexander Savelyev
Last position: Chairman of the board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Vaganov Anton