PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" plans to update supervisory board structure
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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" intends to update structure of the supervisory board. The list of candidates for council for 2020/21 corporate years was approved at meeting of supervisory body on March 4, reported on Thursday, March 5, in the credit organization. So, the list for vote at annual meeting of shareholders quality of members of the supervisory board the next corporate year included the chairman of the board banks Alexander Savelyev, Bychkov Andrey, Germanovich Aleksey, Wladyslaw Guz, Andrey Mikhaylovich Zvezdochkin, Ivannikova Helena, heading the supervisory board at the moment, Kiryukhantsev Pavel, Levin Youri and Sergey...
Alexander Savelyev
Last position: Chairman of the board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Wladyslaw Guz
Last position: Vice-chairman of the supervisory board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Andrey Mikhaylovich Zvezdochkin
Last position: Director general (LLC "ATON")
Bychkov Andrey
Germanovich Aleksey
PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg
Main activity:Finance