The head" State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" resigned , having condemned the authorities Ukraine

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The acting chairman of the board" State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" Vsevolod Kovalchuk declared resignation. In a social network the top manager reported that the decision was given him not easy, some months that to consider everything were required. Vsevolod Kovalchuk called the reason of dismissals: it does not divide policy of the authorities in branch, in particular, politicization of economic processes in this market. Also the top manager noted that long time work of companies is blocked "by actions or inaction" Ministry power engineering specialists and environment protection of Ukraine ". I despise inaction, populism and administrative pressure", - wrote Vsevolod Kovalchuk, having added that considers impossible for myself...
Vsevolod Kovalchuk
Main activity:Official
State enterprise NEK "Ukrenergo"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water