Scientists Tyva Republic will continue to investigate transformational processes in onomastike the people Central Asia

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Boundless steppes and steep mountains, yurtas, as if the huge boulders scattered on the ground, songs of shepherds and names around: names of people, rivers, lakes, mountains, places... In search of these names and the secrets hidden behind them, in July, 2019 philologists and historians the Tuva state universities according to the Russian Federal Property Fund project "Transformational processes in onomastike the people Central Asia: the history and the present (on the example of Tyva Republic, Tofalariya, Republic of Kalmykia and Mongolia) left to Uvsky, Hovdsky and Bayan-Ulgiysky aimags Mongolia where ethnic Tuvinians compactly live...
Suvandii Nadezhda
Ayyzhy Helena
Kara-ool Lyubov