Do not eat on health: advertizing of dietary supplements in objects of sports want to forbid

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The Cabinet of Ministers prepares the bill which limits promotion of additives Since 2021 in sports complexes and schools, and also in pools can forbid to advertize food dietary supplements. Such bill with amendments to Federal law of the Russian Federation of 13 March 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising" is developed by Minsport. In State Duma fractions State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the document treated ambiguously. In "United Russia" Party are ready to support him for the sake of protection of athletes against dangerous preparations, and here in Liberal Democratic Party of Russia consider that additives were created for the sake of a healthy lifestyle. However representatives of the Russian sports agree with the ministry and consider that restrictions of advertizing are necessary. Inspired people...
Andrey Konstantinovich Isaev
Last position: Deputy, first deputy head of United Russia fraction (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Igor Lebedev
Last position: Vice-chairman, member of Council (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Arsene Suleymanovich Fadzaev
Last position: Member of the committee (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
Mikhail Yemelyanov
Last position: Deputy, first deputy chairman of committee on the state construction and legislation (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Dzhavakhadze Zurab
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.