The star national team on soccer won team Russian Federation on Cup of Legends of a name of Konstantin Eremenko

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The Sunday final of the national team of stars and a Russian team ended with a victory of guests Cup of Legends of a name of Konstantin Eremenko on the small arena of "Luzhniki" in Moscow. Russians lost on tournament for the first time in 12 years, reported on February 23 Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The star team of football players won team Russian Federation with the score 6:5, however, because of scandal with the arbitrator nearly did not leave a field where passed tournament. It is reported that in the second time the former Israeli football player Yossi Benayun was hit on feet from the Russian football player, however judge Ponomareva Alexander did not appoint a penalty area because of what the foreign player rigidly stated...
Konstantin Golovskoy
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer of FC Fiztekh Dolgoprudny (Non-commercial partnership "Fiztekh-Soyuz")
Ivitsa Olich
Last position: The assistant to the head coach of Croatian national team on soccer (Croatian football union)