Novak Dzhokovich will take a title instead of Rodger Federer, Raphael Nadal Parera will lose before the final, Rublev Raphael will not disappoint. Preview of tournaments of new week

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The next game week will please tennis fans at once with five tournaments. In Emirate of Dubai and Santiago men, in Doha - women will play, and in Acapulco de Juárez the mixed competitions will take place. Tournament of Association tennisistov-professionalov was for the first time carried out by Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships in 1993. Then the Czech Carol Novachek who in the final overcame the Frenchman Fabrice Santoro became the champion. Organizers of competitions managed to invite annually to the competitions of stars Tura thanks to what among winners of tournament appear: Gorann Ivanishevich, Thomas Muster, Khuan Karlos Ferrero, Raphael Nadal Parera, Andy Roddik, Novak Dzhokovich and...