The Netherlands skaters won a WC with a world record, Russians - the 3rd

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© information agency "Agence France-Presse" 2020/ARIS MESSINIS Men's national team of Netherlands won gold in team race in the World Cup in speed skating at separate distances to Salt Lake City (United States of America), having established a world record. The Netherlands team (Sven Cramer, to Dauva da Vris, Marsel Bosker) showed result of 3 minutes 34,687 seconds. Russians Danila Mikhaylovich Semerikov, Trofimov Sergei and Ruslan Zakharov (3.37,240) steels the third, the national team Japan (3.36,416) took silver. The former world record (3.35,60) was established by team of Netherlands as a part of Sven Cramer, Yana Blokheyzena and Kun Vervey in 2013...
Sven Cramer
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Danila Mikhaylovich Semerikov
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Sergei Trofimov
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Руслан Альбертович Захаров
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Kun Vervey
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating