Gerard Butler will carry by Olympic flame through one of the Greek cities. Yes, it is Sparta!

@Afisha Daily
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The actor Gerard Butler will take part in Olympic torch relay and will carry by him on the Greek Sparta, writes the edition British TV channel "Sky News". This information was confirmed by the mayor Evangelos Valiotis. Special this moment does that fact that Butler played a leading role of the master of Sparta of the tsar Leonid in the blockbuster Zachary Edward Snayder "300 Spartans" and generated a set of memes. The ceremony of ignition of fire of the Olympic Games-2020 starts on March 12 in Olympia. The torch will travel week on Greece then its special flight deliver to the capital Japan Tokyo where this year from July 24 to August 9...
Zachary Edward Snayder (Zack Snayder)
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer, cameraman
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