Summer types. Weightlifting. Andrey Nikolaevich Aryamnov: this year me while strongly do not pull — only two doping tests handed over in the area of IVF

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The national team Belarus on weightlifting now on special control. Because of last sins in 2020 Summer Olympics our only two athletes (on one quota at men and women) will act, and quite recently on an anabolic steroid one of major candidates on a trip on the Olympic Games got. The medallist of a WC and ChE Vadim Likhorad handed over test with an anabolic in some days after pure test the Situation with a team drug test for information portal "Komsomolskaya pravda" the Olympic champion commented on Beijing Andrey Nikolaevich Aryamnov ". Check so often that sometimes do not allow to train, you skip classes because you go on...