Bronnitsy: about work of cash points of MOSOBLEIRTS

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Bronnitsy: MOSOBLEIRTS MOSOBLEIRTS notifies on work of cash points to an opriostanovka rabotypunktov reception of cash money the vgorodsky district Bronnitsy to addresses: - Bronnitsy, Kirpichny Drive, 1a; - Bronnitsy, Sovetskaya St., 69. MOSOBLEIRTS apologizes in connection with the possible delivered inconveniences. MOSOBLEIRTS reminds: to pay housing-and-municipal services cash monetary sredstvamikliyenty a financial settlements center mogutv offices JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST RUSSIA", Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia", PAO "Renaissance", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MOSKOVSKY CREDIT BANK" and via the payment terminals installed in the client...