Handball. Daynis Krishtopans can leave soon "Vardar" to finish a season in "Berlin"

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The Latvian handballer Daynis Krishtopans signed contract with "PSG" and will act as a part of Parisians since summer of this year. About it earlier reported "The fast center". However, on unconfirmed while information, the player can leave North Macedonian "Vardar" already soon and finish a season as a part of "Berlin". The matter is that in case of fast withdrawal from "Vardar" Krishtopans will not be able to act in this season in the ranks of "PSG" as the period of transitions in the championship France is already complete. Besides the handballer is played in UEFA Champions League. The acceptable decision for light-middleweight in such situation can...
Daynis Krishtopans
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (LLC SHOPPING AND RECREATION CENTER "OAZIS")