Tsyan Van pozhertuyet on 1k yuans on fight with koronavirusy 2019-nCoV for each game won prior to the beginning of April

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The 27th racket of the world Tsyan Van, this week entering in Huakhin, will donate on 1 000 yuans (about 145 dollars) for fight with koronavirusy 2019-nCoV for each game won on six next tournaments: in Thailand, Emirate of Dubai, Doha, on Fed Cup, to Indian Wells and Miami. Earlier on fight against epidemic of 3 000 000 yuans the double champion of "Helmets" Li Na, and also football players Khao Tszyunmin and Shuan Van offered. In days in China from koronavirusa 108 people were lost, and total number of victims exceeded 1 000, the Jellyfish reports "...
Khao Tszyunmin
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer of FC Ukhan Yantszy River
Tsyan Van
Shuan Van