Депутаты облдумы приняли участие в открытии блока начальных классов в школе Черной Слободы

В селе Черная Слобода Шацкого района состоялось торжественное открытие пристройки – блока начальных классов...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Ryazan business portal of YA62.RU» , more details in our Terms of Service
Sergei Mikhaylovich Kosmynin
Last position: Senior coach of the women's national team of team (OPOO "FDR")
Nicholas Nikolaevich Mitrokhin
Last position: President (Public organization "Federatsiya plyazhnogo futbola Ryazanskoy oblasti")
Olga Shchetinkina
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Education of the Ryazan region)
Materikin Vladimir
Nechushkin Alexander
Government Agency
Oblastnaya duma
Government Agency