Figure against. Why Bitkoin are better than oil, gold and actions

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They say that in the market of digital money it is easier to earn because of terrible volatility. Whether so it and what to choose: Cryptocurrency or traditional investments at the beginning of 2020 of an action of Tesla Motors showed almost double growth — from $450 to $891 then were rolled away. Now they bargain at level of $700, and over the last two days falling made nearly 22% — such volatility is characteristic for markets of cryptocurrencies, but not for classical assets. Securities of companies Elon Musk rose in price after the publication reportings for the fourth quarter, Tesla Motors surpassed expectations of analysts, having shown revenue in...
Elon Musk
Last position: CEO, chief engineer (SpaceX)
Timofey Martynov
Last position: Analyst, TV host, writer
Markov Aleksey
Petrov Valery